Quick question: Why are we feeding this troll?
Mad Sweeney
JoinedPosts by Mad Sweeney
Effects of the Evolution Theory
by mankkeli ineffects of the evolution theory.
in the early 19th century, religion and science enjoyed a fairly amicable relationship.
just two years before the origin of species was published, biologist and harvard professor louis agassiz wrote that the living world shows premeditation, wisdom, greatness and that a major purpose of natural history was to analyze the thoughts of the creator of the universe.. agassiz viewpoint was not uncommon.
Will only "incorrigibly wicked" people be destroyed at Armageddon?
by poor places inin a recent talk that i heard, a brother tried to comfort those whose family members have left jehovah's witnesses.
he did so by saying that only "incorrigibly wicked" people will be destroyed at armageddon.
i found his line of reasoning refreshing, especially in comparison with the usual fear-mongering in wt publications.
Mad Sweeney
He strayed from the formula.
Anyone who has ever "heard the truth" but is not a JW at Armageddon will be destroyed. That's the official doctrine. It leaves the loophole so that when you tell them that they have failed (in an EPIC WAY) to preach to everyone on earth, they can claim that those who haven't heard "the good news" Jehovah will "read their hearts."
More Young People Are Leaving The Organization!
by minimus ini've heard that another 2 people have left the "truth" as soon as they could get out.
both girls were elder's daughters.
they aren't elders now because they were somewhat problem teens.
Mad Sweeney
ABS, I think the Facebook groups are doing a good job of helping, as are discussion boards like this one and the others across the Internet. I see lots of both young ones and people who have been out for years joining groups for the first time. They're reading CoC and CCMC for the first time. They're finally learning that they're ok and that it is the Borg that's wrong and evil.
It is unfortunate that many continue to live with fear and guilt over the Borg but the info to help them is available. The best we can do, IMO, is continue to make it available in as many formats as possible.
Is this a Jw website or what?
by dropoffyourkeylee inthis website is odd.
it seems to be the witnesses, but maybe not?
honestly i don't know what to make of it.
Mad Sweeney
I wonder if it was created by some sort of 'bot program running through the CD-Rom.
I didn't dare click the "Download" link on the page. It could be some sort of scam to steal cookies and other info from our computers.
Are you sure leaving is a wise decision ?- Lurkers think twice- Part 2
by mankkeli inin the previous thread of this series, i called lurkers attention to the need of being discreet when contemplating an exit from the jw religion.
i mentioned that the thread was borne as a result of the general observations i made reading old posts here and discussing with many ex-jws and their lives have gradually turned out.
that thread alone was visited more than 2,980 times and graced with 204 contributions.
Mad Sweeney
I was reading through this thread for the first time and was planning to comment and address some of the OP's statements, then I got to this gem of divinely inspired ignorance:
What is the credibility of that survey?, I cant vouch for a survey that reflect a figure of "1" for JWs living together without marriage. Look it up and ask yourself if that is a typical lifestyle of the JWs.
Anyone who both doesn't know the credibility of Pew Research and doesn't have the ambition to google it for himself isn't going to listen to anything Mad Sweeney has to say.
Best part of the thread was seeing the joy and innocence of Leaving's daughter and her Halloween pumpkin. Our family's happiness both present and future is worth any ostracism or emotional pain that leaving the Borg might give us.
Comments from a real JW about the killing of apostates watchtower. You will be shocked..
by Hairyhegoat inthis is a very good find from another jw only web site i have access to... hey i just found this on a link of my mom's that she is "friends" with, yes, still a jw...anyway, i had to copy/paste it so you could all see, thought it was a bit hilarious to see how they blatantly speak of keeping info from "outsiders.
" i did not copy the name of the person since that is not my point and i am not that disrespectful, but i did copy their comment...they were discussing the wt about killing all apostates and someone that was studying asked a question as to whether they all thought that was right or not, so here it is..............."james... although its a great article and very encouraging, as apostates do deserve to be murdered, it may not be such a good idea to reveal it our friend zeek at this moment.
he may find it a tad over the top.
Mad Sweeney
There are as many of us on the pro-JW/JW ONLY boards as there are JWs. LOL.
The point isn't whether that was posted (I'm certain that it was - by whom is the question) but whether any current JWs agreed with it, how many, and to what extent.
As Agent Zero said, it is a demonstration of the Borg absurdity to tweak the thoughts and feelings of the faithful on the site. If they disagree, they're "thinking independently" and "not following theocratic order." If they agree, they're agreeing with some of the most heinous statements possible, about people they know and thought they were supposed to love.
It's an excellent dissonance-creating technique. And Nelson Birdwell was the master at it, as mentioned.
Is the Oct 30 WT study a Prelude to a Tithing towards the Soc.
by Quarterback init felt weird discussing this topic this week about this term, "share" of the levites.
some made comments that alluded to the financial assistance that we are currently doing towards sponsoring the bethels around the world.. i wouldn't be surprised that a new thought comes out soon about that ten percent rule.. .
Mad Sweeney
Understood Sweney, but the three things you mention are up for debate. You believe one thing, and the Witnesses can prove theirs also with the scriptures. In regards to the 10% tithing, it would not be open for debate in my eyes.
I don't have the scripture in front of me but even if Jesus said, "You, my followers, shall never allow tithing in the Christian congregation," the Watchtower leadership could find a way to weasel around it if they wanted to.
"In Bible times and in some churches of modern-day Christendom, tithing implies a compulsory 10% contribution to the temple or church. Jesus spoke harshly against such tithing requirements. Today, true Christians do not give contributions "under compulsion" but willingly, "for God loves a cheerful giver." (2 Cor. 9:7) With this in mind, the "faithful and discreet slave" (Matt. 24:45) has lovingly arranged for the provision of automatic bank drafts, whereby faithful Christians can donate to the worldwide work on a regular monthly basis. This provision will make it convenient for those who are "ready to share" (1 Tim. 6:18) to do so routinely in an orderly way. (Phil. 3:16) Please note that due to the administrative bank charges associated with receiving funds via automatic bank draft, we will not be able to accept donations under $100.00." ~The Watchtower, some time in the not too distant future
2010 Shepherd the Flock of God - guidance to elders on child abuse
by cedars ini've recently had opportunity to examine certain sections of the 2010 "shepherd the flock of god" book, which is published exclusively for elders.
there are strict rules in place to prevent its disclosure to those who aren't appointed as elders.. i was particularly interested in what the book had to say on the subject of child abuse, given recent developments in victoria, australia.. on first glance, it strikes one that perhaps some small improvements have been made in as much as the contacting of police or the authorities by the victims is not to be discouraged whatsoever - however, it isn't necessarily encouraged either, and it is regarded as a purely 'personal decision' with no congregational repercussions.
however, a glaring ommission in this advice remains that elders are not advised to proactively encourage victims or their parents to contact the police, which is clearly what they should do in any case.
Mad Sweeney
The Borg leadership is incredibly paranoid and misogynistic. The issue was originally brought to light by an intelligent, hard-working woman. The victims (the Borg calls them "accusers") are mostly little girls (though there are certainly a good number of little boys that are molested, too). The Ted Jaracz types in the leadership are like, "I'll be damned if I'm going to let a woman tell us what's wrong with our policies and make us look bad in public! Besides, it's just a few little girls, and we all know how women can exaggerate stories, right guys?" <old men chuckling and nodding in agreement>
I think their intransigence on this issue is as simple as that. They're stubborn as hell. Look at how they hang on to 1914. They resist sudden change even when it is clearly in their best interests to do so. On the other hand, they are in a constant state of change and adaptation and noo lite formation. But it is gradual, so gradual that faithful JWs don't even realize that "the truth" their kids are learning is nothing like "the truth" that their grandparents learned.
Just got a knock at the door....
by Found Sheep init was omaha steak salesman.
i am home alone with the doors open.
they would not take no for an answer.... they made me feel uncomfortable!!.
Mad Sweeney
I bought some meat from a door to door salesman once. It was decent enough but not any better (quality or price) than I could get at the store.
Paul's Out-Of-Body Experience - How did we Miss This?
by wordfamine.com inthe watchtower teaches that there is no such thing as a spirit or soul leaving the body that can consciously experience anything in heaven unless you are annointed and you die.
and the body certainly couldn't go in their view.
however the apostle paul plainly taught otherwise.
Mad Sweeney
IIRC, the Dubs think it was just a "dream" or a "vision" given to Paul. They totally undermine what it actually SAYS in order to preserve THEIR OWN DOCTRINE.